Arroyo Seco from my iPhone

This last Saturday I "floated" the Arroyo Seco River with some friends.  In the morning, we hiked upstream to a sandy beach tucked away under a bridge and green canopies.  There, we made sandwiches, inflated some floaties, and readied ourselves for a day on the river.  The rest of (the very hot) day was passed not only by floating, but also by wading, rock-hopping, shore scrambling and swimming our way back downstream.  Along the way, we stopped and lounged at a couple more sandy beaches and splashed around in some perfect little swimming holes.  Some of our group also climbed the river's cliffs and dove into its deeper pools.  What follows are are a series of photos from our day on the river. This last Saturday was definitely a good day.

All photos were taken with my iPhone and edited using VSCO Cam.


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