On Sunday I turned 27.  27 is when you officially enter your late twenties. Which feels crazy to me--how am I in my late twenties already?  It doesn't feel that long ago that I was 19.  But then again, I feel like a very different person than my 19 year old self.   

The other day, C asked me how I felt about turning 27.  I told him that I actually felt pretty good about it (excited even).  My reason being, I explained, was that my mid-twenties were way better than my early twenties.  I just know myself better.  And I feel like that process is only going to continue.

For my 27th birthday a good friend visited, we went out to Cafe Brasil for brunch and we spent the afternoon at a beach a little bit up Highway 1.  It was a good birthday.  Yes, 27 feels pretty good.

Some iPhone photos from my birthday . . .

Birthday gifts.
Birthday treats.
Rocking 27.  Photo by Jen M.
Blongo Ball 1.

Blongo Ball 2.

Birthday gathering.

Rock exploration.
Setting and backgammon set.
J vs. Confetti Cupcake.
Such a good dog.

Hat swap.
Beach sitting.

Khaki ad?
Khaki ad!
Panther Beach 1.
Panther Beach 2.
More Beach Blongo Ball.
Buckwheat fits right in.
The end.


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