Trip to Washinton, Summer 2012 Part 3: Winthrop

Winthrop is where C spent whole weeks and weekends (and one year, even months) of his childhood.  It's where he Nordic skied, mountain biked, hiked, took dips in the river, ran races, did puzzles, went sledding and ice skating and probably did a thousand other things . . .

Before I met C, I'd been to Winthrop on a couple of occasions.  Once when I was four or five, when my father had a contracting job there.  It was the Fourth of July and my sister Amanda cried because there were no fireworks and I slept in a sweat suit because the mosquitoes were so bad.  Another summer, when I was much older (just about to start high school), we went to a cabin just outside of town with our good family friends, the Wissmillers and spent a memorable weekend playing games, horseback riding and river rafting.

Since meeting C though, I've gotten to spend a lot more time in Winthrop (and Mazama and Twisp and the rest of Methow Valley and the surrounding North Cascades) and honestly, I feel so lucky for it.  This has to be one of the prettiest places in Washington.  And there's so much to do (in any season).  In the grand scheme of things, I haven't spent much time in Winthrop at all but in the time that I've been there, I've fallen in love with the place.  I guess it doesn't hurt that my time in Winthrop is always passed with C's wonderful family (who are my family now, too).

Enough words though, here are some photos from this past trip:

On our way, view point of Ross Lake, Highway 20
On our way, view point of Ross Lake, Highway 20
On our way, view point of Ross Lake, Highway 20
Views on our way up Washington Pass
C taking in the views
Views on our way up Washington Pass
My in-laws hiking up Washington Pass
B & C taking a breather
 The following set of photos were taken by C:
Our little mountain goat
Getting a refresher course in rock climbing safety from my father-in-law
Wind factor
Mr. B (love this one)
Ready for my first alpine rock climbing experience
On my way up South Early Winter Spire
Contemplating "the reach"
Getting higher
Buckwheat, yoga dog
Family Portrait (this photo was taken by my mother-in-law, Lani)
Buckwheat and me, top of Cutthroat Pass
Buckwheat and me, top of Cutthroat Pass
Buckwheat and me, top of Cutthroat Pass
Buckwheat and me, top of Cutthroat Pass
And then some more photos from me:
Views from Cutthroat Pass
C & B, top of Cutthroat Pass
Views from Cutthroat Pass
Fields below the Nelson's cabin
Emmer (Farro)
C & B, walking home

Emmer (Farro)
Just another photo of me and B (photo by C)
Can't get enough of him (photo by C)
Road to the Nelson's
On Thursday, we hiked up Washington Pass so I could do some rock climbing with Rod (my father-in-law).  C, his mom and Buckwheat hiked part way (really, most of the way) up with us too and waited while Rod and I attempted South Early Winter Spire.  We ended up turning back when we realized that we had started too late (and would have been hiking back in the dark had we gone for the summit) but despite the "failed" summit, the attempt left me itching to go rock climbing again.

I had kind of forgotten what I love about it--the puzzle in the next move, the sense of empowerment at discovering (or remembering) what your body (and mind) is capable of, the trust you have to place in yourself.  I also really like the climbing community.  Everyone we met on their way up or down was so friendly. 

On Friday, C and I hiked up and over Cuthroat Pass.  Buckwheat came along too.  He's quite the little mountain dog--making unexpected leaps from rock to rock, never hesitating on the changing terrain, running after C and then waiting patiently for me (who is always stopping to take photos).  He even chased a mountain goat (true story).

On Saturday C ran over Cutthroat Pass in the annual Cutthroat Classic.  I'd like to do it myself some year but the thought of 11 miles nearly all spent either going up or down hill is still a bit daunting to me.  The rest of the day was passed playing ping pong, talking over beers at the Old Schoolhouse Brewery, packing, sharing one last meal with C's parents and watching a movie.

It was a really (really, really) good trip. 


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