New Home, New Blog

I have another blog right now but I’ve grown tired of it.  It’s actually more of a project than a blog.  Back in September I took up the task of taking photos every single day and selecting and posting one photo from each day, one week after it was taken, for the duration of an entire year.   Now, nearly 300 days later, I’m a little tired of that blog.

Let me clarify: I’m not tired of taking photos—I’m just tired of working within the parameters that I gave myself.  Sometimes I want to share several photos from a single day.   Other times I want to put together several photos from different days.  Some days I’m not happy with the photos I took and I don’t want to share any of them (but I still have to share one).  Other days I just don’t want to take any photos at all.  However, I’m going to keep it up.  I’m stubborn that way.  I said I’d do it for a whole year so I will see this through.  To quit such an undertaking (especially after so long) is simply not in my nature.

But, while I’m not giving up, I still want a new space in which to grow.  And that's why I’ve come here.  Also, right now just seems like a very appropriate time in my life for me to start a blog and make it all my own.  Recently, my husband, Christian (commonly referred to as "C"), and I purchased our very first honest-to-goodness home.  The two of us have made homes together in various other spaces but this is the first place that we’ve owned.  It’s ours—ours to make and mold and love—and we are its to hold while life keeps us here.  So along with our new home, I thought to myself, yes, I’d start a new blog!

Admittedly I’m a little behind.  We moved well over two months ago.  But between a full time job, my little daily photography project, a propensity to spend weekends getting away and well, “life”, things are still in transition here.  See, I was waiting for life to “settle down” so that I would have the time to "sit down" and find and tweak the perfect blog theme in which to start my own little corner of the Internet . . . But really, I know better than that.  Life never settles down.  There’s always something filling your time and pulling you away from the things you want to do.  So this will be my fixer upper!  Right now, it may look a little plain but I will spend time improving it—making it mine.  And I will fill it with the things I love.

So here I go . . . I’ve got some ideas, dozens of half finished posts floating through my head, too many photos on my hard drive and a million more photos I’d love to take and I’m throwing them all in some metaphorical boxes and moving them here—to my new blog!  It may take me a while to unpack and get settled but at least now I’ve actually started.

And now, to end this first blog post, I’ll leave you with a couple of photos chronicling our recent move:

Packing up the plaids.
This is what it looked like on our first morning at our new place. C was studying for his orals (qualifying exams).

Plaids unpacked.

One week after moving in . . .

We're home!

And this is basically how things look now. 
There's still some decorating and several projects left to do but I am happy living here--it feels like home.


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