On November

Because I didn't end up posting much last month, here is November in iPhone photos:
The second Saturday of November we took an 11 mile run into Wilder Ranch.
This was the view from the halfway point on our run.
One day we bought Buckwheat a new fall bandana and a "toothbrush" because he's got the stinky breath!
In mid November the evenings were especially pretty.  This is an (intentionally) out of focus picture of the evening colors on one of our after work walks.
And here is evidence of another beautiful November evening.
One night I was walking home from work and the sky looked like this.
And for a couple of minutes the clouds were made out of cotton candy.
The next morning was pretty spectacular, too.
And then the San Lorenzo filled with clouds
And it looked like you could have swum straight into the sky.
With the clouds came some rain and on a Friday evening we drove into the city (San Francisco)
To see Milo Greene play at the Independent.
It was a great show.
At a great venue.
With great people (photo taken by C).
Back in Santa Cruz we passed a lazy Sunday morning with Buckwheat
At the dog park, rainbow leaves were underfoot.
And then a little more rain revealed some rainbows on the asphalt.
Over the long Thanksgiving holiday Christian served up some french toast (it was delicious)!
The day after Thanksgiving we made a trip to Salinas (to visit the Steinbeck museum) and stopped at Moss Landing on the way back.
The afternoon was warm and the moon was out.
We enjoyed a late lunch at the Haute Enchilada
Which is as cute as the food is delicious.
And on our way back to the parking lot, I spotted an owl!
Next we took in some views at Salinas River State Beach
Where we basked in the late afternoon light
And felt pretty lucky to live here.
(Buckwheat came too).
The next day we took Buckwheat to Its Beach so he could frolic.
It was another sky blue sky day.
On the last day of the long holiday weekend we lingered a little while in bed
And enjoyed our little nut's company.
I took a lot of photos of Buckwheat.
The rain came back and Buckwheat was a wet dog.
But I thought he looked especially cute.
When we went back to work, Buckwheat looked at us like this.
But it didn't take long for us to get back into our routine (Here is Buckwheat, The Leaf Connoisseur on our midday walk).
During the last week of November the forecast called for rain, rain and more rain.  So I got myself some new rain boots (and luckily they arrived just before the storm hit).
Yes, November was a pretty good month. 


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