Socialist LookBook Shoot: Behind the Scenes

Last weekend I drove down to L.A. to shoot a LookBook for a new online clothing store called Socialist.  The store was co-founded by a friend of my sister and brother-in-law's, Quinn.  I got to know Quinn during the activities surrounding my sister's wedding and I immediately loved how fun, funny and all around great she was.  So when she asked me if I would shoot her LookBook, I jumped at the opportunity.

I'm still working my way through all the photos from the shoot, but thought I'd share a couple of photos that I've edited from "behind the scenes".  Here we go!

Meet the Model: Kiersten Hall
Socialist LookBook Outfit Options 1
Socialist LookBook Outfit Options 2
Between Photo Touch Ups
Socialist LookBook Outfit Options 3
Socialist LookBook Outfit Options 4 (last one, I swear!)
Shoes for Shoot 1
Shoes for Shoot 2
Behind the Video Shoot 1
Behind the Video Shoot 2
Shooting the Socialist LookBook was amazing.  The experience was invaluable and working with Quinn, Kiersten and all of the beautiful clothing definitely inspired me.  Not to mention it was a lot of fun!  Now that I'm back, I feel like I have all these ideas floating around in my head and I just want to get out and take more photos (whatever the subject).  First I need to do some more editing, though. 

More to come soon!


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