
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  I have all sorts of stuff I want to share but October turned out to be a lot busier than I expected.  Here's a little of what I've been up to (in photos):

For a couple days I admired the big dreamy clouds that were out
And I continued to find fall where I could . . .

I carved a pumpkin shaped by visions from old photographs of my father's Halloween creations
On one sunny Saturday I toke a solo seven mile run along West Cliff Drive and stopped (several times) to really admire the views ...
We wished several friends "Happy Birthday!"
For a few days it was cool out and we ended our evenings with hot chocolates (topped with sprinkles!)
And I felt the days getting shorter . . .
Over the course of a weekend I spent several hours "bejeweling" a pair of leggings and a hooded sweatshirt with a hot rhinestone setter so I could go as Outer Space for Halloween
This last Saturday I went on a run with C up to UCSC determined to work more hills into my routine (and it was my fastest run on this route to date--yay!)
I took Buckwheat for walks along the levee to Ocean View Park so he could get in some good old fashion playtime (I did this two weekends in a row)
And then walked home past one of my favorite houses in Santa Cruz--isn't it just perfect? (sigh!)
More updates to come soon, but not until Wednesday or Thursday because I have another birthday to celebrate tomorrow!



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