Thanksgiving 2012

This Thanksgiving my in-laws came down and we cooked a little feast in our condo.  There was all the traditional Thanksgiving fare, a table filled by people I love, good cheer and great conversation.  And we topped it all off with some paper crowns!  Also a delicious oliallieberry pie from the Buttery (not pictured).  I missed my parents and sisters but felt very thankful to have C's parents there to help us celebrate our first Thanksgiving in our new home (and our first Thanksgiving with the newest member of the Nelson "pack", Mr. Buckwheat).  I was primarily responsible for the cranberries (a first for me) and the salad (roasted beets, goat cheese and pistachios over baby greens--a fall and winter favorite of ours).  Here are some iPhone captures from the day.  I hope everyone had a very happy Turkey Day!

A grocery cart full of Thanksgiving!
Brussels Sprouts: A Nelson Family Favorite
Stuffing is probably my favorite part of Thanksgiving (or at least my favorite part of the Thanksgiving food)
C and the Turkey
Our Thanksgiving table and my Thanksgiving salad
Pretty pleased with my first attempt at cranberry sauce
The Meal!
A Nelson Thanksgiving!
Post Turkey.
Even Buckwheat got some Turkey (and for several days)!
Over the holiday, I realized how much I missed taking photos with my Digital SLR.  I've been depending on my iPhone for photo taking lately because I'm currently in the process of purchasing some new equipment.  Non-iPhone photos to come shortly (hopefully within the next week or two).  In the meantime, I have some other stuff to share.  Promise! 


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