Home from the Holidays!

December got the best of me.  There was a weekend at a cabin, tree decorating, work, holiday parties, cleaning, packing, gift wrapping, a whole lot of driving (Santa Cruz to Seattle to Whidbey to Winthrop to Seattle and back to Santa Cruz again), meals with family, hilly runs, dogs in sweaters, more gift wrapping, gift giving, cuddling up on couches, board game playing,  night sledding, puzzles, nordic skiing, ice skating, dinners with friends and toasts to the new year.  In all honesty, even with all of the holiday craze, I could have squeezed in a blog post (or three).  At some point though, I just decided to give myself a total holiday from my endless list of "To Do's" and in my downtime, I relaxed.

We got home middle of last week and the craze has continued.  There's been unpacking to do, groceries to buy, decorations to put away, sleep to catch up on and errands to run . . . But I'm finally back!  I got a lot done this weekend.  I feel well rested.  And I've got lots to share.

To start with, here are a few photos that C and I took for the holidays:
Buckwheat wears many hats.
Christmas Card Model is one of them.
Here's B and C getting ready for a family photo!
We didn't really end up with many photos where we're all looking at the camera . . .
. . . But I like them anyway!
Happy (Belated) Holidays from This Little Egge (and the rest of Nelson Family).  I promise to be back with more blog posts very, very soon!




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