Holga Roll 7

Photos from my 7th roll of film taken on my Holga:

Frame 2 - Tree in Arana Gulch
Frame 3 - Seals and Sail Boat, Santa Cruz Wharf
Frame 4 - Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
Frame 5 - Another Afternoon at Its Beach
Frame 6 - California Pup
Frame 7 - West Cliff Walkers
Frame 8 - Beach Portal
Frame 9 - Friday Pool Time
Frames 12 and 11 - Spring!
This roll of film was especially leaky.  I'm not sure if it has to do with my method of carrying my Holga (my method being throwing it in the bottom of my over-sized tote along with the rest of the things I carry), how I'm loading and unloading it, the fact that this roll was mostly shot in very bright light or a combination of all three, but I'm liking it.  You can't get these light leaks on your iPhone people! (Okay, you kind of can).


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