iSpy Spring

Since the official start of summer is just around the corner, I thought I should get around to posting some more photos from this spring.  Here is this spring, as seen through my iPhone:

This spring there's been some fog:
Fog at the Santa Cruz Wharf and Beach
Fog and tree lines . . .
Fog on a morning run
And a bit of rain:

But most days you could just lay out by the pool . . .

Or take a run:

Along Pleasure Point . . .
Or up through UCSC.
This spring we took a couple weekend trips . . .

. . . to San Francisco:

Where there were Backyard haircuts
And City Lights
 There was an afternoon in Moss Landing:

And a overnight stay in Monterey:

Where in the morning, the beaches looked like this
And we got to run along this!
 There were hikes . . .

With views
And picnic lunches . . .

. . . and there were walks through Pogonip and garden gazing.
This Spring I had a brief flirtation with adding light leaks to my iPhone photos:

Little yellow flowers
And afternoon light
Wildflowers on a run through campus
Another afternoon by the pool

(and my hair before bed)
I also had a couple of brief but intense affairs with the following tasty treats:

Trader Joe's Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies
Post Run Burger and Onion Rings
And Boba Tea!
Throughout the spring, Buckwheat was reliably cute (as always):

Buckwheat and C
Buckwheat waiting outside Bay Photo Lab

Buckwheat hanging out with his grandpa (aka my dad)

Buckwheat in Moss Landing

And Buckwheat all over the couch . . .

(silly pup).
Buckwheat at the dog park
Buckwheat and C (again).
Buckwheat being a Sleepy Head.
Buckwheat with some Mornin Bed Head.
Buckwheat hanging out with his mom (aka me).
Buckwheat at the beach.
I never tire of Buckwheat!
And of course, this spring was full of flowers:

Wildflowers . . .
And wallflowers . . .

Flowers underfoot . . .
and flowers overhead.

Yellow flowers and Red Flowers . . .
And a single perfect flower found floating in the fountain at Mission Plaza . . .
Overall it was a pretty nice spring.  Now on to summer!


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