When we're on the road, we usually alternate between listening to Podcasts for a couple of hours and listening to music. The passenger plays DJ--choosing new albums or returning to some of our favorite artists (The National, Modest Mouse, Bon Iver, Death Cab, Wilco, Horse Feather ... Taylor Swift...) or just taking it song by song. We talk and make each other laugh and entertain ideas and make plans. C naps and sometimes I doze but mostly I just close my eyes and wish I was better at napping.
Towards the end of the drive we're both very ready to be done. But even though we have to leave at 4 in the morning and drive all day and end up with sore butts after all that sitting and feel a little crazy for the last hundred miles or so, I still love doing it. It’s just me and him and hours to fill with songs and facts and stories and conversation and silence and open spaces and towns we've visited before and towns we've just passed through and junk food and photos taken through windows and getting to watch a whole entire day unfold from dawn until dusk.
Parts of the trip are boring (I-5 can just go on and on and on) but it never stays boring because you're moving and scenery changes and soon you're in a new place. I always love watching the landscape as it gradually transforms around us. If I had all the time in the world, it would take me days and days to get to Washington because there are so many things I would want to stop and take photos of and so many places I'd want to poke around in and explore. For now though, I have to settle for photos taken through windows and the possibility that someday, I could come back.
Below are some photos I took on the road to Washington (and back):
This time around we passed the miles with podcasts of Freakonomics, some 2012 favorites (Shovels and Ropes, the Lumineers, You Won't, Damien Jurado), several new and old playlists and, on a friend's recommendation, we listened to Miranda Lambert and then followed that with a little Patsy Cline . . . And there were Hi-Chews and energy drinks and trail mix and chips.
This was also the first time we made the trip with our dog, Buckwheat and despite the gruelling length of the drive, he made an excellent passenger (I think he just likes being wherever we are whether it's in our condo or in a car or on top of a peak). He passed the miles curled up in the backseat on his bed or, when he got too hot, between his bed and the cooler. At times he straddled the backseat and the center console and looked longingly at my lap . . . And sometimes I caved and he snoozed in various positions across my legs. We walked him at gas stations and rest stops, Subway and Taco Time and Wendy's (it'd been a long time since I'd had spicy chicken sandwich). And when we finally made it up to my parents place at Whidbey, he leaped and bounded and shook his butt and sniffed and was happy. And we were happy to be there and to get to share the places we love with our new little dog and our new little dog with the people we love back in Washington.
yay for roadtrips!