Trip to Washington, Summer 2012, Part 4: iPhone Photos

I used to take my point and shoot everywhere but now I find myself depending on my iPhone for quick, easy shots (and my point and shoot sits in a drawer).  I can't wait for the new iPhone to come out, primarily because I'm anticipating a better camera.  I skipped the 4S and my current iPhone has acquired a mysterious imperfection on the lens which shows up as dark blob on light backgrounds (like sky).  I often have to shoot around it and there are some photos I just can't take.  Luckily I don't have to wait too much longer.  And all in all, I can still get some decent photos with my phone. 

So here is our trip from my iPhone:

Sunrise, I-80
Family Portrait, On the Road
The drive up was hot, taken in Portland, OR

Waiting for the ferry to come, Mulkiteo, WA
Sunset from the ferry
Fog on Bells Beach
Trees in fog, Whidbey Island
Chick and Bunny at Island County Fair
Food fare
Food fare
Buckwheat on Bells Beach
So it's not the most sandy beach . . .
Low tide, Bells Beach
This is how Buckwheat likes to ride
Buckwheat arrives in Winthrop!
Views from Washington Pass
Trails and a Mountain Goat!
Portraits on our hike (right one by C)

Self Portrait on South Early Winter Spire

Wildflowers and hiker (it's C)
At the Nelson's
Hiking Pals
Switch back
Wildflowers on Cutthroat Pass

Wildflowers on Cutthroat Pass
Cutthroat Lake
Christian's "brother" Max

Emmer (Farro)
My boys.
Emmer (Farro)
Morning on I-97
I-97 Southern, OR
Someone wants to ride upfront
He rode like this for miles and miles.  He cracks me up
Shasta, someday I'd like to climb you
And that's the last of my photos from our trip.  Other things to come soon!


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