8 Months of Buckwheat

Eight months ago today, Buckwheat came into our lives.  At the adoption center he was the only dog not kept in a pen or kennel.  After scanning the room, I found him quietly curled up at the feet of a volunteer.  We spent an hour or so with him--we walked him, sat with him, talked to him and peered into his eyes.  It was clear he was a very sweet dog and after filling out a couple forms, he was ours to take home.

Buckwheat was sweet from the get-go but he is also many other things.  He is proud, spunky, playful, loyal, adventurous, strong, fast, adaptable, patient and curious.  With a few exceptions, he tends to be shy around new people but once you get to know him, he's a total love bug.  He is a medium sized dog (although on the smaller side of medium) but he definitely thinks he is a lap dog--sit down on the floor and he'll burrow into your lap; sit down at a chair at a table and he'll join you there, too (if you let him)! 

In the past eight months we've learned many of Buckwheat's interests, as well as some of his dislikes.  His interests include playing chase, having his belly rubbed, going on long hikes, sleeping in comfortable beds, curling up in orange chairs, sticking his head out of car windows, taking elevators, riding (and running after) sleds, wearing sweaters (okay, he might just be a good sport about that one),  hanging out at the dog park, going on camping trips, standing over gopher holes and taking in the world through his nose ...  He also likes food.  Like a lot.  It might be his favorite thing in the world.  He is a very adventurous eater (he'll eat anything he finds on the sidewalk!).

Buckwheat's dislikes include fast bicycles, large dogs he cannot sniff, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, car rides over 20 hours, swimming, getting caught in the rain and just getting wet in general (baths? no thanks!).  He is still unsure about cats (especially his "uncle" Max), yippy chihuahuas, toys and lettuce (I mean he'll eat it, if it's the only thing that happens to fall on the floor but give him a sandwich and he'll eat everything BUT the leaf of lettuce). 

Not a day goes by that Buckwheat doesn't make us laugh.  The last eight months with him have just been so much fun.  Life before was good, but life with Buckwheat is a whole lot better!

Below are nine iPhone photos of Mr. Buckwheat (one from each month he's been in our life, June through February):

Buckwheat on his adoption day (June 2012).
Buckwheat asking for a belly rub (July 2012).
Buckwheat on a hike in Mazama (August 2012).

Buckwheat at the beach (September 2012).
Buckwheat cuddling with C (October 2012).
Buckwheat after a rainy walk (November 2012).
Buckwheat running in snow country (December 2012).
Buckwheat on a walk in Pogonip (January 2013).
Buckwheat, bright eyed after a trip to the groomer (February 2013).
We love you, Buckwheat.  You've made the last eight months so very good. Thank you for making us a little family of three.


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