Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013 (A Belated Post)

Recently each year that passes has felt monumental to me in one way or another.  In 2008 I graduated from college.  In 2009 I climbed my first mountain (Mount Adams) and ran my first half marathon.  In 2010 I got engaged, climbed an even bigger mountain (Mount Rainier) and moved to Santa Cruz.  In 2011, I ran a whole marathon (the Big Sur International Marathon) and got married . . .

2012 was the first year in awhile that wasn't about taking on some big, new challenge.  This last year I didn't run any races or climb any mountains.  Looking back though, I see that it turned out to be a year about little changes--a year of daily commitments and small goals.  In some ways, it was a year of settling; but settling in a good way.  It was a year of feeling more comfortable (even as I made myself uncomfortable). 

Here are some highlights from 2012 via a series of lists:

In 2012 I started this blog, took three classes, finished my yearlong daily photography project and began playing with film again; I made a down payment on a home, adopted a dog, started walking to work, sold my car and purchased a new camera; I floated a river with friends, went alpine rock climbing with my father-in-law, hiked over Cutthroat pass with my husband and summitted a (small) peak with our dog;  I had an encounter with a mountain goat, marveled at a fox's tail as it disappeared from view, drove around a bobcat and ran past bunnies; I visited the dentist for the first time since college and spent one last weekend at my childhood home; I celebrated our first year of marriage, witnessed two spectacular meteor showers from the middle of nowhere, read all three Hunger Game Trilogy books over the course of three days, attended five great concerts, tried eight (or more) new local restaurants, saw 14 (or more) movies in theaters, logged 715 miles running (despite two injuries) and spent at least 178 hours (intentionally) sweating; this last year, I flossed more, cut myself some slack, made less excuses and pushed myself harder (and in different directions).

2012 certainly wasn't perfect--at times it was downright messy.  It wasn't a year that could be measured out in 26.2 miles or 14,409 feet, but it felt bigger than most. It was a year of small, dogged, almost imperceptible shifts.  It's only now, looking back, that I see how all the small change added up.  

Below are a few photos to mark the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013.  

Good bye, 2012
You were a pretty great year.
Hello, 2013!
. . . I've got plans for you!
We're only a month in, but 2013 already feels like it's off to a good start.  I've got over 100 miles on my legs, a new library card and a planner (that I'm actually using).  I might run the Santa Cruz Half in April and I'm planning to hike around a mountain later this year.  I don't really know what else 2013 has in store for me, but I've got a few plans, and a whole lot of ideas, and I'm excited to find out!


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