A Very Special Announcement!

It's official . . . I'm going to be an aunt!  Below are some photos I took for my big(gest) sister's pregnancy announcement:

This weekend was unusually hot, and I think I may have strained my neck from lying on the sidewalk to take photos, but it was super fun to spend time with my sister and her husband, and I'm so happy to share in their very special announcement.  I'm over the moon excited for them!  Yay!

ps: Today marks one year on This Little Egge.  To my surprise, I averaged just over a post a week.  That being said, there were times I was very absent from this space.  Over this next year, I'm hoping to be more consistent.  I also want to keep trying new things.  This feels like just the beginning here.  It feels like the start of something.  I really have a whole lot to look forward to, and I can't wait to share some of those things with you. 


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