Summer Camping Trip #3: VanDamme State Park, Mendecino

The last weekend of July, we drove up the coast to Mendicno for our third camping trip of the summer.  Although it felt a little like we were camping in the fall . . . We wore hats and jackets and built big, roaring fires.  In the mornings we savored coffee and in the evening we roasted pork sausages and sweet corn over leaping flames.


We drove into Mendocino in the mist and the dark . . . After miles and miles of rolling hills and hairpin turns, the road finally emerged from the trees and suddenly we were hugging the coast.  We could smell the ocean air and see its blackness spread out to the driver's side.  Sometimes we were plunged into white belts of low hanging mist and for a couple moments it felt like we were under water . . . And then we'd come out and see beach and cliffs and ocean through the vagueness of night. 

It was a relief to arrive at the campground.  We arrived well after 10pm.  The camp host was jolly and sold us two bundles of wood.  We setup camp in the dark (for the second time this summer) and built a fire and poured glasses of wine.  Buckwheat scared a raccoon up a tree and then nervously paced around and tangled his leash.  We went to bed late and woke slowly the next morning.

The morning was gray (as was the afternoon and the next morning).  After coffee and cereal we ventured into the town of Mendocino, and then went a little further up the coast to Glass Beach in Fort Bragg.  Mendicino looked right out of Murder She Wrote (because it is).  In the grocery store our checker informed us that she had recently moved from Hawaii and was still waiting for the summer.  Someone in line chuckled and explained that if we wanted to see some sunshine, we should come back in October.

Over in Fort Bragg things were a bit sunnier but still cool.  We ate sandwhiches on logs and I gazed at the little bits of glass scattered in the sand.  Then we hiked along a winding path and stood on rocks and looked out at the blue ocean and felt small.

On our way back towards Mendicino, the boys were attracted by a sign promising a very large amount of firewood.   They bought all of it--filled the whole trunk of the car with it.  Back at camp we played Blongo Ball and listened to music and talked.  Mostly we hung around the fire.  And that trunk full of fire wood?  It all got burned.  And we were warm. 

  Below are some photos from our weekend in Mendicino:

On the Edge of the World (or Glass Beach)
(Speak Softly But) Carry a Big Stick
Looking Up the Coast, Fort Bragg, CA
Earth, Air and Water
California Coast, You're Really Something
Flowers and Coastlines
Views from the Trails Around Glass Beach
Coastal Living
A Trunk Full of Wood
And They Burned It All
Someday, I'd like to go back to Mendicino and stay in a cozy Bed & Breakfast.  And see the town and beaches in some sunshine.  Maybe next October . . .


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