Summer Fade

Summer is sand in the car, freckles on our skin, sunglasses in photos, evenings at the Boardwalk, long afternoons poolside, sunshine past dinner, the smell of sunscreen, hikes on dusty trails, singing along to pop music, driving with the windows down, hands sticky from peaches, bonfires at dusk, skipping rocks from river banks, popciscles after races, star gazing on your walk home, brightly colored beach towels, waking up in tents, cooking on grills, crisp salads and cool slices of watermelon, thighs stuck to seats, big brimmed hats, grass blades indented on your palms, graham cracker crumbs and tangled wet hair.

We passed this summer in California--at the lake, at the river, in the woods, at the beach . . . It was filled with all the stuff that summer should be.  It was the first summer I didn't get to spend any time in Washington but I feel like we made the most of it.  And luckily, a little bit of home came to me this year (my sisters).  

Below are some photos from my middle sister's visit to Santa Cruz:

Summer was good to me . . .  But there's a chill in the air and it has me giddy. I'm ready for fall--I always am this time of year--for bare branches, steps that crunch, spices in my coffee, zipped up jackets, wet pavement, rainy blue dusks, heat on in the car, pumpkins on porches, piles of gourds in the grocery store  and a thousand other things.  So good bye California summer, I'm sure I'll be missing your pretty face real soon, but till then I'll be bundled up in a sweater and taking my marshmallows in hot cocoa.  

(photos 11 + 12 taken by C)


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